We see awareness as insight that takes hold in layers. The first layer is self-awareness. This embodied work allows us to understand how our families, societies, cultures, institutions, and so much more have influenced our lens of perception. Through our practices and offerings we hope to open doors that allow for deeper personal insight and growth. The first step to change.
Our awareness then expands to include those around us, humans and the more-than-human life around us and waiting to collaborate in creating an incredible future.
We are hard-wired to learn through story. The Stanford Women Leadership Innovation Lab shares that stories are remembered up to 22 times more often than facts alone.
Stories bring us in and ask us to participate in experiences through the lens of the story teller. They open a door to seeing the world, and our role in it, in new and expansive ways. Stories change the way we act and interact.
What stories are you holding about yourself and others? And are you ready to feel your old stories restructure and perhaps fall away?
All of our offerings serve to open pathways to your own, personal Wild Hope. This initiative is where you move into action. This will look differently for each one of us because our Wild Hope is unique to each and every one of us. It ignites the flame within us, activating our greater purpose and the role we are meant to play in the greater cosmic dance of life.
We aren't meant to do this work alone. In this initiative you will find organizations, groups, and allies ready to support your deeper engagement and help create your roadmap of collaboration with all life.
Our initiatives offer active in-roads to finding your Wild Hope. They support us all in our journey of self-awareness, growth, and ever expanding inclusion and connection. There is no step one, two, or three - or check boxes to be completed. Instead our initiatives create a flow that honors your personal process and evolution. You may start with Exploration that will then take you back into a new journey of deepening around Awareness before moving into Activation. Only you know what is best for you and what feels right.
We look forward to intersecting with you on our collective journeys.