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Around the Holiday Table

Laurie Benson

Updated: Nov 26, 2024

I took this picture on my hike today and thought - before the storm. And then I realized how appropriate it was for this moment. I think a lot of us are experiencing this feeling as we head into another holiday season in a very charged political climate. We will be with family members who sit on the other side of our values and things we feel very deeply. We will tiptoe around conversations that could escalate and watch the clock anxiously hoping we make it through unscathed.

I want to share another way to move through this season. A way that allows our Wild Hope to bring us all together.

So, what exactly is Wild Hope? Wild Hope holds us all in its desires and manifestations. It unites all life in a dance of change and balanced co-creation. It reminds us that we are never alone, and that for every action there is a reaction. It grounds us in our truth of oneness and the power of love. Wild Hope extends beyond our own wishes and desires to include the hope of the collective, what is best for all life. It often emerges on the other side of grief, trauma and pain when we are forced to search outside of ourselves for support. You aren’t broken when you are in this space - you are evolving. Your Wild Hope is more expansive than you could ever have imagined and when it finds you, it will make you laugh out loud when you realize how beautifully it aligns with your talents and gifts. You realize this is the fire you have been waiting for, the match to ignite the work you are meant to do in the world, in a way that honors all life.

It is non-exclusive and a powerful force for change. Aren’t you curious what Wild Hope lives within the hearts of those who will share the holiday table with you? And are there elements of their Wild Hope that could commingle and align with yours? Are you more similar than different?

Wild Hope brings us together instead of pulling us apart. It is free from politics. When we really get to the heart of our own individual Wild Hope we realize that it holds all of life within its deepest wishes and dreams.

What better topic to bring us together this holiday season. When we move beyond the fear that often creates the filter that we view the world through, we find that the majority of us want the same things. We want to be happy. We want peace. We want a better world for our kids, and our grandkids, and our friends. We can share these wishes and desires without getting into politics. We can share these wishes and desires from a place of love and connection. When we share from our heart we can connect with and collaborate with the Wild Hope of others.

So during this holiday season, I invite you to share what you’re grateful for, and then also invite everyone to share their Wild Hope for this moment and for the future. Lay out the ground rules… No politics, no accusations, no passive aggressive sentiments. Let your heart expand to include all of life and then share what comes from that space. This is Wild Hope and its potential for creating a future of inclusion and love is incredible.

Happy holidays and let us know how it goes!

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3 comentarios

25 nov 2024

I LOVE it!!!!!!! perfect and doable. We can all do this one by one and watch the love ripple grow and overflow-----all inclusive!!!!!! Much love and GRATITUDE for the share Laurie!!!!! Hugs Joan

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Alison Wright
02 dic 2024
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This is a beautiful way to look at our frustration. We can all get ideal upset and really emotional about politics but it’s not necessary we can wait and see what happens and enjoy our happy moments with the holidays with and WILD HOPE!. This is more constructive now.

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