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No Rose Colored Glasses

Laurie Benson

Having Wild Hope does not allow us to avoid the extreme needs of this moment. It doesn’t allow us to hide behind rose colored glasses. It instead ignites a fire deep within us. A fire that lets us stand in front of whatever is to come from a place of connection and embodied wisdom. The challenge of this moment is how to nourish and feed our inner fires without getting burned or burning others. This deep calling isn’t meant to surface in a way that brings pain. And I think this is where a lot of us step off course. We feel the fire ignite and see it as a right and responsibility to move into careless action. Action is absolutely needed, but not when it comes from a place of reaction.

Wild Hope is igniting our fire alongside an invitation to sit with its heat. How does this deep calling within you support all of life? How does it create a better tomorrow when activated around love, peace, unity, and honoring?

There is incredible power that comes from pausing and listening. Your wild allies are with you every step of the way and in constant communication. How does your fire honor the fire within those that are walking beside you? Can your collective fire burn through the paradigms and structures that need to crumble without burning the beauty of all life?

One of the greatest gifts of Wild Hope is its ability to open the doors to wisdom and actions that we cannot grasp in this moment. Wisdom and ideas that uplift and honor all. So, no rose colored glasses. This moment calls for a fiery commitment to clearing the path for communities and collaborations based in a deep love for all. This is our only way forward.

Don’t loose your fire, we need it. Just don’t let it burn so hot that it incinerates all of the goodness trying to take hold.

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