“Wild women are an unexplainable spark of life. They ooze freedom and seek awareness; they belong to nobody but themselves yet give a piece of who they are to everyone they meet. If you have met one, hold on to her, she'll allow you into her chaos, but she'll also show you her magic.” --Nikki Rowe
What does rewilding mean?
Rewilding is a growing movement in response to the way our society is operating and the direction we have been collectively heading. Many women are waking up to the lies we have been collectively told and been made to believe…
…Lies about our bodies…Lies about our emotions, our hormones, the way we must be and show up in the world to be palatable to others. Women have been largely misdiagnosed for mental and physical illnesses as most research studies were on male bodies primarily. Doctors who receive financial benefits from pushing harmful substances. Women have been gaslit and let down by doctors and are, rightfully, tired and fed up.
…Lies about the foods we eat…We have been told lies about the best foods for us. We have a FDA that fails us, not doing its job to properly regulate our food and the sources. Lobbyists that influence what we consume. We have food that is pumped with so many toxic and addictive chemicals and having to pay significantly more for organic options. Our food is being poisoned. Our soil is dying. Our waters are being polluted.
…Lies about how you should behave…Like you must always be put together for other people to approve of you, or that you always have to be accommodating, mild, meek, so that others always feel safe and comfortable with you. Lies like you must be skinny or have a thigh gap to be considered beautiful and worthy.
…and so much more.
So many women have been contorted and are living small, hidden, in the background, and as the victim in their own lives. They are disconnected from their bodies, their hearts, their intuition, their voice, their true essence. They live in constant shame and self-criticism, and they are starting to wake up to how wrong it all is. They are starting to realize there must be a better way…
And they are answering the call of the wild!
…is this feeling familiar to you?
Rewilding is about returning to the true essence of you and reclaiming your sacred connection to your own body, the Earth, and the Divine. It is about seeing the absolute perfection of who you truly are and releasing any striving for perfection in your life!
Let’s explore further…
What does it mean to rewild yourself?
Rewilding yourself is about returning to the wilderness within you. It is about breaking free from the “Nice Girl” Archetype. Breaking free from the box you have been conditioned to live in. Your true essence and life force energy have been strangled and stifled from living in a Patriarchal society. Your naturally playful and creative spirit has been dampened from living in unconscious daily fear of this system of Patriarchy.
This process is about taking your power back through living in tune with the seasons and cycles of Mother Nature. It is about returning to the basics and what makes life truly worth living. It is about reclaiming your roots and learning about what you need to thrive and live in harmony with yourself, your cycles, and the Earth. It’s about living in sustainable ways for our body, our energy, our health, and the health and well-being of our personal and global communities. To honor our home on Earth, the resources she provides in abundance, and also acknowledge the abusive ways she has been treated for farrrr too long.
Rewilding yourself is about embracing the messiness of life and learning to play in its puddles! It’s about letting your body be exactly what it is, and not just tolerating that, but seeing and celebrating the miracle that is you and that is your body. It is about celebrating the mess and knowing it is perfect. It is about seeing your edges as just as beautiful as your smoothed out and calm self. It’s about celebrating all of you, your journey, and the disruption you came to cause and create to break the status quo.
Rewilding yourself is about owning all parts of you and knowing you are a wild thing, connected physically and energetically to the wild Earth around you. Rewilding yourself is about seeing yourself as a member of this great, wild world we live in, that does things on its own time in its own way. A tree does not have an even amount of leaves on all branches, it does not grow the same height each season. A plant does not blossom every season. Nature does all on its own time and in its own unique way. Rewilding yourself is returning to a more natural way of being, a slower pace of life. It’s about living in harmony and cycle with the Earth and honoring her cycles as your own as well.
What are some ways you can rewild yourself?
You can return to your body as a sacred and holy temple. You can treat yourself and your body as the divine miracle they are and never let another make you think less of yourself. You can do this by spending time naked with yourself, admire your body, admire what makes it uniquely yours! You can go bralass and let yourself be free. It is about reclaiming your connection to your own body. Love on your body. Practice seeing the luscious nectar of your being! Learn how you like to receive and experience pleasure, then communicate that confidently!
You can spend time in nature, reconnecting with your inner voice and returning to the peace and serenity of the natural kingdom. We have gotten lost from the slow pace in which nature does all things. You can connect to the Earth by walking barefoot in the grass or in rivers and creeks. You can go swimming and immerse yourself in Mother Earth’s luscious waters… Allow yourself to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of the outside world and come home to yourself and the natural world. Allow yourself to be loved and supported exactly as you are wherever you go in nature.
Women have an innate magic men do not have as womb bearers and child-carriers (not that men don’t have their own kind of magic!). Your monthly cycle is meant to be a holy time in which you allow yourself to slow down and get quiet. A time when you connect with your monthly cycle and the miracle of this gift, which allows you to release and purify your physical vessel each month. You can create a routine around this time of the month. Begin to track your cycle and know how to care for yourself during these special days of the month. If you need to, do the inner work of healing and shifting your relationship to and with your womb, so you can live in harmony with this very important part of you. Even if you no longer have a period, you can create a routine 4-5 days a month, which honors this cycle. This is a potent time to release and embody new!
You can use your voice! Expression is a powerful way to practice rewilding yourself. You can sing, hum, scream, write poetry, or journal about your life, your emotions, the hurts, the past places where you got stuck and caught up in the experience... Rewilding yourself is about releasing the need to express perfectly and to allow yourself to make mistakes, to be aggressive in the process of finding your assertive voice. To knowing it’s okay to tell people to “fuck off” sometimes and no longer allowing people to disrespect you or force you to be less of yourself anymore.
You can move your body, especially your hips. You can dance and introduce messy, wild, imperfect movement into your life. You can do loving, gentle somatic movement. Women store soooo much pent-up energy and emotions in their bodies, especially their hips, so freeing this area of your body up will also help free up stuck, unprocessed emotions. This will have you feeling freer in your own body and lighter in your experience of yourself and your body!
You can unleash your creativity and fully express yourself! Laugh, cry, howl, sing badly on purpose, scream. Let your emotions flow, then draw, paint, color, and/or smash items and make something new from them. You can channel your emotions into art, or poetry, or song-writing. You can reclaim your creative expression and use it to share your heart and soul with whoever would feel comfortable and empowering to share with.
It is sooo important to do your own research and work with holistic practitioners who can help you learn about your body and what it actually needs to thrive. To be mindful of and minimize the products you use, keep things simple, and generally stick with natural/nontoxic products that have the fewest number of ingredients possible.
You can start your own garden and return to living off the land in a small or more expansive way! Even small steps make a huge difference in reclaiming your sovereignty and living in tune with nature. You can eat only, or as much as possible, what is growing and available in the present season. You can shop at local farmers’ markets to support your local community and the land your food is grown from. It helps to know about the native and local plants in your area and how they can help you. I recommend you shop and eat organic
Release perfectionism and allow yourself to get messy! Let yourself be raw, ruthless, wild, and free. Break down the conditions. Disrupt the status quo. Get loud. Make your voice heard. Fuck up the broken system. Throw the shit in the garbage. Burn it down, metaphorically. Let them talk about you. Let your freak flag fly (even though I kinda hate that saying!). Let them think you’re weird and WILD! Enjoy it! It’s your life – Make sure you are living it for you.
There are sooooo many ways to unleash your inner wild woman and let yourself fully thrive! To liberate her from all the conditions she has been buried under. To embody her fully so you may live a life authentic to you and your soul! When you free your inner wild woman, you free yourself from the Patriarchy and help dismantle it one empowered woman at a time!!
The ripple grows from there…and suddenly in the not too distant future…we are living a brand new, loving, compassionate reality.
To rewild yourself is also to help free and liberate other women, and that is a VERY powerful act of love and resistance! You can connect with other woman who are walking a similar path to help make this journey more fun and enjoyable, and a lot less scary and lonely!
Are you ready to dive in deeper? Here are questions to ask yourself to explore Rewilding in your own life…
Who are you when no one else is around? What would it be like to allow this version of you to be seen by others?
What do you enjoy doing, eating, seeing…when no one is paying attention?
Who would you be or what would you do if you weren’t afraid of disappointing anyone?
Who would you be or what would you do if you were completely unbothered by what other people thought of you?
What would you wear if you weren’t afraid of being judged?
What feels like a “guilty” or “naughty” pleasure and what might happen if you allowed yourself to actually fully enjoy it without shame?
Where can you release perfectionism and embrace more of your edges?
Remember, Rewilding yourself is a process. It is a conscious un-doing, unweaving, and rebuilding of the very foundation of your life and how you relate to yourself, your body, and the world around you. It takes time, sometimes years, to fully return home to yourself and free yourself from the conditions that do not feel loving and supportive to you in your own life.
Be gentle with yourself as you step into and explore new ways of being! It might feel strange and foreign at first, but as you walk the path, your soul will remember what it feels like to live so free. Your heart will begin to remember to live free on Earth is what you came here to experience. Inner trust will return as you take the steps to listen to your heart, intuition, and soul’s wisdom and return home to your true and authentic expression of self!
I wish you peace, passion, and pleasure on the journey to becoming all you are meant to be as you rewild yourself and return home to your true nature. Want support during your rewilding and spiritual journey? Apply here for Private Soul sessions today!
Guest Blogger Sarah Seraphina is a Spiritual Activator, Soul Harmony Guide, and Teacher. She was previously a licensed Trauma Therapist before deciding to leave that world to pursue a more soul-aligned path. She grew up experiencing significant childhood trauma and knows firsthand how challenging and empowering the path of healing can be. She has walked through many flames of transformation and passionately guides other women on their journey to reclaim their true nature and blossom!
Her work is holistic and rooted in Nature, Spiritual teachings, and psychology. She believes our healing journey is meant to connect us more deeply to ourselves, our relationships, our community, and Mother Earth ultimately. To empower ourselves and then channel that into uplifting others. She incorporates nature into her practice by combining different Earth elements with self-exploration, expression, and rituals. This work is deeply connected to the heart and soul.
Sarah is the owner of Nurtured Essence, a healing space, aimed at helping women overcome their past patterns and fears, so they may thrive and live with more power, purpose, ease, harmony, and joy. She helps women see their value and magic and embody their multidimensional, Divine energy. She is very passionate about supporting women to reclaim their authenticity and rediscover their dreams by creating internal safety and learning to trust themselves. She helps women leave the Damsel in Distress and Victim archetypes behind and step fully into their sovereignty as the Queen of their own lives! She specializes in working with dreamers, healers, recovering empaths, highly-sensitive women, light workers, shadow workers, and women with a sacred mission. www.NurturedEssence.com