There is no way to know what the future holds. These times seem to be adding a punctuate mark to that truth. We are being defined by how we show up, who we are in the face of danger. This feels like an invitation to expand our capacity to heal and support the healing of others, or to remain stuck in the old paradigm; the paradigm, structures and institutions that are causing this devastation. The ones that values doing over being. We are encouraged to suck it up and get to work. Fair enough, lots of living beings need our help right now. But the way we show up in this moment is critical. We can’t turn away from our own feelings of grief. We can’t push our own trauma to the back of our consciousness and “get to work” the way we have in the past.
The grief and trauma are our work, they are our teachers. The experiences creating them are taking place because we have lost touch with the impact our feelings and emotions are having on all life. When we turn away, ignore, numb we are actually feeding the wrong wolf.
Thomas Berry wrote that we are between stories. The old one is crumbling away and the new one has yet to emerge. This liminal space is an invitation - a loud one at the moment - to enter into a story of honoring, reverence, and mutual respect. This begins with a reconnection to the consciousness of our hearts, our connection to the teachings being offered to us at all times from life around us. The very wisdom and teachings that we have been taught for many generations to ignore, because when we return to this place within ourselves of connection and truth we move through the world in a different way. We understand that we have everything we need to heal accessible to us at all times. It exists within us, not outside of us. We don’t need an intermediary between us and all that is sacred. We are a part of the sacred flow of life. The belief that we exist outside of all other life, exist above it all has lead us to this dark time of destruction. The pathway out is found within our hearts.
My feeds are filled with the gut wrenching stories and images from California. I just read an article about intimidating postcards being sent to humanitarian aide workers in Arizona and Oregon carrying threatening and horrific messages to try and get them to discontinue the life giving work they provide for so many. I am sitting with it all, feeling it deeply, and giving myself time to process and transmute the fear I am being fed from every direction right now. We need to step into, and activate the truth we carry in our hearts. The truth of our interconnection is a pathway to healing. Our hearts hold the solutions, inspirations, and ideas we are seeking that exist outside of the overwhelming fear of this moment, because this is where we access the collective consciousness and wisdom.
My commitment to you is that I will keep showing up and sharing my experiences among the trees, walking with the ravens, standing by the water. I will continue to be a voice that encourages you to tune into your heart, healing the wounds that are holding you hostage, and then moving into action that honors your Wild Hope.
What we need more than ever right now is Wild Hope. We can’t get lost in the sadness and grief of this moment. That doesn’t mean turning away from it. We must feel it, sit with it, honor it for the teacher that it is, and then use what we are feeling and experiencing to transform the destruction and devastation into a path toward awakening and connection.