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Group Hike

Our Mission

We know that this moment requires an activation that we have never experienced before. This will happen outside of the boundaries of our current, prominent paradigms. It will bring us back into a place of alignment and harmony with all of life. And it is our intention to ignite this activation that drives our every action.

Our History

The Center for Wild Hope is the evolution of over a decade of work by Laurie Benson. What began in 2012 as an invitation to learn and experience life through a new lens, has evolved into an embodied understanding of how we participate in this incredible dance of life with the wisdom and gifts of the natural world and each other.

Core Values: Reciprocity, Equality, Oneness

We are boundary walkers - navigating the liminal space between ideas, ideologies, cultures, religions and more. We give no value to titles and work daily to become free of the conditioning that has created labels and categories that create separation and judgement. 

Our Leadership

Our leadership comes from the trees, the rocks, the birds, the moon, the stars in the night sky. We aren't alone on this journey, we have just forgotten where to seek the answers and wisdom needed to move us forward. Our allies are all around us simply awaiting our invitation to collaborate and co-create. We cannot think of a greater team to be guiding us toward harmony, equality and peace.

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